Tweets with Two Professionals in my Future Career!

At first I was struggling on being able to find two professionals in the career I plan to pursue. So I went to Google and searched professionals in Nursing that were on Twitter. The two professionals I tweet with are females and are Registered Nurses. So far I have been able to tweet with them but I understand they have a busy life so will not be able to respond soon. The two ladies helping me with my blog are Barbara Ficarra and Lynn Fishman.

Barbara Ficarra is from New York-RN, BSN, MPA – Radio Show Host, Executive Producer, Founder, Speaker, Media Coach, Blogger, Consultant, Writer I found Barbara Ficarra’s post from last year on The H uffington Post.The title

Barbara Ficarra

of her post is “Why Doctors and  Nurses need Twitter?”. On this post she mentions of her usingTwitter and liking it. How her as being a registered nurse, twitter helps her promote health and wellness and also helps her educate the public on vital health topics. She says how Twitter allows her to tweet about an upcoming radio show, link to informative websites and blogs, or retweet a tweet.  Ficarra talks about: Educating the Public. How doctors, nurses and other health care professionals can provide accurate, complete, reliable and trustworthy health information. That tweeting is the perfect opportunity to help educate the public. She mentions how we need to be alert regarding the tweets we get because a tweet is about a health topic, it does not mean it’s all the way true. So us as health consumers have to check the source to see how true it is. But doctors and nurses can help educate the public on vital health topics with information that is accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

These are some tweets and direct messages we have had so far:

Mine-Hello my name is Nancy. I’m a freshman in college and plan to major in Nursing. I would appreciate any tips from you as a RN.

Her-Hi Nancy, thanks for asking. Not enough room to address in 140 char, but will write a future post about it! Thanks. Best, Barbara

Mine-You’re very welcome. Yes, it wouldn’t be enough space. Thank you so much will truly appreciate it.

Lynn Fishman is from Montreal, Canada.-RN, Health enthusiast. Believes in the value of a mind-body approach. Authentic, connected, service orientated. Designs brain entrainment audio programs. She has worked in the United States and Canada. I have not been able to find much on her and still have to keep tweeting.

Lynn Fishman


Here are some tweets and direct messages we have had so far:

Mine-Hello my name is Nancy. I’m a freshman in college and plan to major in Nursing. I would appreciate any tips from you as a RN.

Hers- Hi Nancy. Glad to see you have chosen 2 pursue a nursing degree. It’s a tough program but well worth the effort. Bravo!

Yes! I want to purse into nursing. Thanks and yes I went to my first meeting and it does seem pretty tough!

Direct msg:

Nancy so sweet 4 U 2 mention me. Nursing has been gr8 4 me- lots of variety & travel. Worked in US & Canada. I say go 4 it. DM me anytime!

Mine-:). Really I like that there is lots of variety & travel. Thank you I will. Any tips on what would be best for me to do for now?

Elizabeth Barrett Browning-Poet

Elizabeth Barrett Browning-March 6, 1806 – June 29, 1861

Elizabeth Barrett Browning is one of the women poets whose poems I like. She has so much inspiration in her poems that once you start reading them they are very touching.


Elizabeth Barrett was born in 1806 at Coxhoe Hall, Durham, England. Was the first one in her family to be born in England in over two hundred years.  She was educated at home. When she was 14 years old she developed a lung ailment that plagued her for the rest of her life. She was being treated with morphine until her death. Six years later at the age of 20 she published her first collection “An Essay on Mind and Other Poems”. In 1844 she produced a collection entitled simply “Poems”. This collection brought the attention of poet Robert Browning, whose work Elizabeth had praised in one of her poems, and he wrote her a letter telling her how much he loved her poems. Elizabeth and Robert exchanged 574 letters over twenty years. Their romance was opposed by her father, who did not want any his children to marry. Elizabeth and Robert married in 1846 and settled in Florence, Italy, her health improved and gave birth to her son Robert Wideman Browning called Pen. Her father never spoke to her again. “Sonnets from the Portuguese” was dedicated and written to her husband in secret before marriage, was published in 1850. The Sonnets is considered one of the most widely known collections of love lyrics in English and her best work. Elizabeth Barrett Browning died in Florence on June 29, 1861.

Two of her poems are my favorite. One is How Do I Love Thee?  and the one I really like is called

If Thou Must Love Me, Let It Be For Nought A Poem

If thou must love me, let it be for nought
Except for love’s sake only. Do not say
“I love her for her smile her look her way
Of speaking gently, for a trick of thought
That falls in well with mine, and certes brought
A sense of ease on such a day”
For these things in themselves, Beloved, may
Be changed, or change for thee, and love, so wrought,
May be unwrought so. Neither love me for
Thine own dear pity’s wiping my cheek dry,
A creature might forget to weep, who bore
Thy comfort long, and lose thy love thereby!
But love me for love’s sake, that evermore
Thou may’st love on, through love’s eternity.

The significance of this poem is that she is telling him she doesn’t want him to love her for her looks or her mind because those things change and when they do would he still love her? She is telling him to love her just because he love’s her. True love doesn’t change and is forever.

She is one of the women who has inspiration and can be very touching in her poems.

Ed Cabellon:The Use of Technology for Ourselves

Ed Cabellon was invited by the UNCP Leadership Program as a distinguished speaker on October 5, 2010. Ed Cabellon is an inspiring man with such a talent to inform everyone how technology can used and useful for us now in days. Before the show I had the opportunity to meet him.  Thanks to Mike Severy and Becca Fick for inviting anyone who wanted to eat with them and posting on Twitter where I saw the tweet with that message. Some other LLC members along with me had dinner with Ed, where we had the chance to know him a little more. During his presentation he gave us a lot of information that is helpful for us everyday of our life. He talked to us about picking a side, and that leaders can’t stay in the middle of a situation. That’s why you have to pick a side can’t stay in the middle of something and not knowing what to choose. Also, he talked about choosing our values and morals based on who we are as people. We only choose who we are.

There were 7 things he wished he was told as a college student and they were:

1. Not everyone will like you…get over it

2.  You won’t always get what you want…deal with it.

3. No one can transform your life-like you can…don’t wait for someone else to do it for you.

4. You’re going to FAIL, a lot. Stop trying to be perfect.

5. You are not in complete control…stop acting like you are.

6. Someone else will always have more than you…are thankful for what you have.

7. There may be no tomorrow…so make the most of today.

FEAR- When you’re more scared of them than they are of you.  He told us to stop being afraid of others. He showed us this equation called Fear Factor Equation:

FEAR – Possible Consequences + Best outcomes = Action.

“What would you do with your life if you removed FEAR from the picture?”

–          Go for our dreams

–          Take risks

–          Be more open-minded

“Insecurity comes from: fear, lack of self-esteem, and doubt.”

We had to sit in front of people that we don’t know but we pretty much new everyone so we just got someone we really haven’t talked with, and stare without laughing for 2 minutes. I wasn’t able to do it didn’t even last 30 seconds. Ed made us do this exercise to show us that we have time in a day, and to break FEAR.  He told us to do something everyday and it was to walk through campus and look people in the eyes, to not look at our feet anymore. Look at others in the eye while we walk, no matter who they are.

Don’t let fear disguise our judgment, be the first to speak out.

He told us he wants us to choose what we like, and not give up on those values.

“Stop overestimating the competition and underestimating yourself. ED”

The last few things he talked about was about computers how we choose to use them.

He told us Facebook should be a representation of who you are; it isn’t private. Everything can be found by someone.

Twitter If you want to know people get to know companies for future jobs.

Blog- blogging, speak your mind . . . professional representation of who we are.

Ed ended with “How to build Trust”

–          Find your own voice

–          The world can benefit with your thoughts

–          Start connections- makes you different from others applying for that same job

–          Personal branding online

Is this possible?  2+2 = 30

What about this?  2 dimes + 2 nickels = 30 cent

Don’t be programmed. Think Differently.

Break your fear, leverage technology to your advantage, be who you truly are, and think differently.

Ed was a wonderful speaker he gave us so much great information about life and tips on how to be a good example in the social network.

“We Can Do It”-Essay of Week for English Composition

This week for English class we had to do an essay on an image/photograph on any thing we liked and after choosing an image we had to describe the picture with descriptive details and after that we had to explain what the image was trying to convey and its importance. I did not have any clue of what image to choose and that would actually have an important meaning on it. So what I went online and goggled up meaningful historic images. After surfing the web I came across with an image I really liked and learned about in History. The image I chose to write about is called “We Can Do It-Rosie the Riveter”.

“We Can Do It-Rosie the Riveter” was a poster made before World War II. This poster promoted a cartoon like character. It showed a perfect woman worker which included loyalty, capability, patriotism and pretty.  This poster shows a woman flexing her muscles expressing her strength to work like anyone can. Even though she is working, she still has that beauty expression. Her hair wrapped up all nice and her make-up all perfect. The expression on her face shows her confidence. Her serious face with an eye brow up can be seen as trying to say “I can do this and much more, not because I am a woman I am not capable to do what men do” This poster can be considered as a feminist representation in the US. The fact that majority of the people were not used to seeing women in the workforce.

The message that this poster conveys is that women have the same rights as men. This poster was designed to inspire women to work for the war effort and many American women did work in factories during the war. Women are capable of working and being housewives. The feeling this poster is trying to express and get across is the strength, confidence, and determination of having the ability to work and help out in what they can. The point that this poster was made with worked to help increase women s earning power and acceptance into male-dominated trades. The attitude towards women workers changed with time of seeing women entering the work force. But the most important outcome of this poster was that it made the image of women as wives and mothers before war disappear. After all the issues that were before World War II with women working they kept being in the workforce even though their pay was lowered to female jobs. But best of all women were seen not only part of housewives but part of the workforce.


My Future Career!

            It is getting time for one to decide what one wants to do or plans to do with their life during college years. I am currently a freshman in college. I still have time to think about what I want to major in. Even though I am a freshmen and still have two years until I actually focus and start working with my major plans I still need to keep in mind that time goes by fast before I know it will be getting close to walking that stage and receive my degree what I have been working for. But if I do not get a head start now and establish my major I could not be graduating when I am expecting for it to happen. So why not start taking classes that are required in order to become part of the program I need so I can go for my major.

          While in high school years I had in mind pre-law in becoming a lawyer. This was the first thing as a major that came to my mind. There were several reasons why I wanted to become a lawyer but not just any lawyer but an immigration lawyer. While growing up I saw how many problems and difficulties my culture had with being able to come to the United States and have a better life. Like seven years ago, I used to travel with my family to Mexico every summer. When having to cross the border line between Mexico and the United States all one sees is the river where many people go through to cross into the United States. The saddest part is seeing a fence with many wood crosses and knowing the meaning of them which is a body found in the river and not knowing who it was. After seeing this I felt the need to do something to help this stop and I thought that becoming a lawyer would help but later on with time I realized that there is more to that and it would take a long time.

             So I left that part back and decided to find a major that I would love and that would help everyone. That is where my career goals came to majoring in Nursing and becoming a Registered Nurse. I see this career as being one of the most important and in need in the health care. I established this goal by setting my mind and now focusing on all that I will need for it. This goal is important to me because I want to help others and give back what I have received while still growing up. My academic plan to meet these goals is to take all the classes required and needed to achieve this career goal.

             I know I still have a long way to go in order to be able and achieve what I want to be and do with my future career but with time and patience everything will come just at its time not when I want them to.

Medical Careers:Process for becoming a Nurse

I plan to pursue a degree in Nursing so here is some information that will help everyone have an idea about the process it takes to become a nurse.

What is a Nurse?

      A nurse is one who is resposible along with other health care professionals for the treatment, safety, and recovery of ill/injured people.

Types of Nurses:

  • Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
  • Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
  • Registered Nurse (RN)

Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA):

  • Requires completion of a short study program.
  • Some medical facilities, such as nursing homes, will cover the costs of your CNA training.
  • Assist individuals with health care needs with activities of daily living and provide bedside care.
  • All under the supervision of a RN or LPN.

Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN):

  • Requires college study but it can be completed at most vocational schools.
  • Usually work closely with other nurses and with physicians to provide care for patients.
  • Training lasts about 1 year includes both a classroom and a patient-care segment.
  • They provide general care for patients, including taking vital signs, changing wound dressings, basic phlebotomy, and daily intake-outtake monitoring.
  • Can perform simple as well as complex medical procedures, but most operate under the supervision of either a RN or physician.

Registered Nurse (RN):

  • Completes either a 2- or a 4 year degree program.
  • Must pass the NCLEX-RN exam to become licensed.
  • RNs who complete the four year program are usually paid more than those who have a 2-year degree.
  • A health care professional responsible for implementing the practice of nursing.
  • Work as patient advocates for the care and recovery of the sick and maintenance of their health.

Nursing degrees that lead to an RN:

  • Need to graduate from a 4-year Bachelor of Sciences in Nursing (BSN)
  • An Associate of Nursing (ADN)
  • A Nursing Diploma Program offered by hospitals.

Nursing Degrees:

  • Diploma  in Nursing
  • Associate of Sciences in Nursing (ASN)
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
  • Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

Diploma in Nursing:

  • Usually awarded by hospital-based nursing schools.

Associative of Science in Nursing (ASN):

  • Usually awarded by community colleges or similiar nursing.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN):

  • Is a four year academic degree in the science and principles of nursing, granted by a tertiary education university or similarly accredited school.

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN):

  • Is an advanced-level quaternary education degree for Registered Nurses.


It may seem alot in order to become a nurse but I personally believe every effort one puts in afterwards will recieve that feeling of satisfaction knowing that one is able to help others when in need.

Distinguished Speaker: Erin Gruwell

       The University of North Carolina at Pembroke had a very important and distinguished speaker at the Givens Performing Arts Center on Wednesday, September 15, 2010. Everyone was so excited and looking forward for her presence here on our campus. This lady is known everywhere for her talent in teaching. We had the pleasure to meet Erin Gruwell.  Even after knowing all she has done and achieved throughout the years with her passion in teaching, she is the most noble and sincere lady I have met. She went up stage and talked with such an enthusiasm about her teaching experience and most important her life. What she had to encounter while starting her education in a public and divided high school in Long Beach, California. She has given me and inspiration that everything is possible even though you might come across harsh things one had never expected to face but it is all part of life and what gets us as far as we want to get.

         When I heard this lady was coming to our campus I did not pay much attention since I did not have any clue of who she was. I just attended her speech because we had to for the Leadership Living Learning Community Program I am involved with. I went to the Givens Performing Arts Center along with three more friends. While seating there I looked around anxious to see who was this important lady all my peers and my roommate had been talking about. I took the brochure they were handing out. Looked through it and realized it was the teacher from Freedom Writers. I read the brochure where it had a short paragraph about her that said this:


Nothing could have prepared Erin Gruwell for her first day teaching at Long Beach High School. Many of her students from this tough, racially divided school were deemed “unteachable,” and written off by the education system. Shaken, but undeterred, Gruwell leveraged the power of education to deliver an academic miracle. 

Finding her classroom a safe haven, the Freedom Writers transcribed their stories on paper, transforming their lives one word at a time. Through Gruwell’s efforts, these stories were published in the book Freedom Writer’s Diary: How a Teacher and 150 Teens Used Writing to Change Themselves and the World Around Them. Her enthusiasm and fierce determination galvanized her class, and eventually all 150 of her students went on to graduate from high school and attend college.

now, Gruwell’s story has made it to the big screen, as she portrayed by Academy Award winner Hilary Swank in Paramount Picture’s film, Freedom Writers. “In the beginning I was pretty naive and did not know a lot about at-risk teens. I knew I could see past color and culture, but I did not know how to get to the hearts of these young people. So I gave them a pen and told them to share their experiences through the art of writing. Through writing, my students discovered tolerance and respect for one another.”

Gruwell now serves as Distinguished Teacher in Residence at California State University, Long Beach in College of Liberal Arts and Education.

    After having read this I was amazed of all she did to bring these students up that everyone saw them as failure. She came out and have such an inspiration to everyone. Everyone was there listening to her so attentively until it was time to end. She let the audience go up and ask her questions and answered them with out even thinking about it. I am so happy I met someone so important that this experience will always stay with me.  


Diversity in UNC Pembroke: Fiama Acosta’s blog

Comment Date: October 5th, 2010


I like the way you expressed the importance and why UNC Pembroke should have a more diverse campus. It is true that it’s important to have a diverse campus because you can learn about different cultures, heritage, and also history. With knowing the different cultures, heritage, and history that there are out there in the world we are able to have a better understanding and interaction with everyone no matter what their ethnicity is. My favorite part from you blog is how you clarify how UNC Pembroke is somewhat diverse and it is true with bot of us being Hispanics we are not used to not seeing our culture. With growing up in an enviroment with all ethnicities but in particular Hispanics it is in a way difficult to feel part of this campus. But I believe one day UNC Pembroke will have the diversity most universities do. With time before we know it UNC Pembroke will have a large diversity.

Are you VARKing up the wrong tree?- Kiersten M Adams’ Blog


I really liked how you created this blog to seem so creative and very well understanding. I like how you are kinestetic learner and like hands on approach when studying. In some way I wished I had that style of learning but we can say I am pretty much everything except kinestetic. These are some of intelligences some of which I was not surprised but others I were. The intelligences I knew I had are Visual/Spatial, Intrapersonal, and Naturalist. But the one I did not know and really surprised me was Interpersonal because I always believed I was more intrapersonal working alone and understanding myself not liking to have many friends but good at understanding people I do have that in me. I feel I discovered this new intelligence now that I came to college since I am being around new people and being more social. I really liked how we were able to know our way of learning.

Cleaning the Environment with  a Purpose : Fiama Acosta’s blog


I really liked this blog. The way you wrote it we can consider it part of educating others how we can be helpful and in some way become part of this chaotic world. If we all did this we would not see so much violence and deaths. I am glad how you mention Miguel. Thanks to him you were able to learn a bit from that neighborhood and its surroundings. With knowing that now you are letting us know what can be done to become better in life. About Billy that is really touching. That actually happens but we just don’t hear or see it often. But I believe that if those who once were criminals learned from their mistakes it would be a better world. Instead of them coming out and going back to the same hole. But that is life and we all have to learn the ups and downs about it. Great blog!

Fossilized People: Fiama Acosta Blog

Wow!!! Great blog! Very educative! I personally did not know about all this. It is very interesting and informative. I never imagined that natural disaster’s would effect the world in this way. My first impression when seeing this photography is asking what is this about. After learning the meaning of this picture I am surprised and at the same time it is touching. We never know what will be the outcome of some natural disasters like this one. I really like the way you expressed your feelings with seeing this photography. I can say that I am a very sensitive person but when I saw this picture I really did not know how to react first of all because I was not sure what it was expressing and second of all I did not know the story to it. Thanks for the information. A great form of expressing the consequences of natural disasters like this one.

When I Grow Up: Kiersten M Adams’ Blog

Wow!!! Girl you had so many ideas of what you wanted to do with your life while growing up. I like how everything you had in mind involved helping others and the environment. I like how you plan to become a teacher. That is a great way to help others especially children. We have to be honest and accept that out there, there are several teachers who do not have the attitude and determination to teach children. That is a reason why those who plan to pursue a career in Education are making a great decision. In the other hand we have something in common we like to help others. At first my plans were to become a lawyer that was while growing up until I got to high school and decided to do Nursing. I believe this is one of the careers that is needed the most and is the most important to everyone because we all need it.

Keep It!!: James Blevins


…..(Speechless) I really like the way you expressed yourself in regard to the LLC program. I agree with you in if we are able to continue being part of the LLC and we are combined in with Freshman’s we could be of a lot of help to them since we have experienced the first year and college. Also, there are things we would of liked to know and get help with that unfortunately we had to discover ourselves or with peers. So I believe we would be/could be very helpful for them. From my part I have learned a lot from the LLC. It has helped me with connecting to the university here at UNC Pembroke. I have increased my awareness of my personal strengths. It has also helped me with having clarity on my educational and personal goals. One great outcome for my personal growth is it has enhanced my sense of self-esteem. Nice blog!

What Leadership LLC Really is to me: Evan Shane Long


Great way to express what the Leadership Living Learning Community is here at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke. Like you were in the beginning I was the same way with having to make the decision of knowing why UNCP was the right choice for our college education or basically starting our life over with coming here not knowing no one which meant making new friends and being the right college to offer what we desire to get out of it after completing the four years or more. The way you talk about how the LLC has helped you it has helped me a lot also. It has helped me with connecting to the university here at UNC Pembroke. I have increased my awareness of my personal strengths. It has also helped me with having clarity on my educational and personal goals. One great outcome for my personal growth is it has enhanced my sense of self-esteem. I’m glad that thanks to the LLC we got the chance to meet new people, make new freinds, and have friends like you sharing some of the outcomes from the LLC.

My Career Thought: Evan Shane Long


“I am now walking down the path that will lead to my future.  The only problem is how many times this path will branch off.  I don’t want to make an incorrect turn and change my whole life.  When I am asked the age-old question, “What do I want to be when I graduate?” I have a hard time responding due to the unlimited opportunities that are out there. ” I so agree with you in these sentences. It is the same way I am now but in the other hand I actually have in mind and am determined to do it! But even in that case like you said don’t want to make an incorrect turn and change my whole life. But I like how you want to help others and I believe being able and wanting to help college students is a great way to show them what college really is now that we are having that experience. Keep in mind that whatever you decide to pursue a degree in, helping others is one of the best things out there in the world to do.

Career Life: James Blevins


Great career decisions you are planning to pursue. Even though I am not all up to date with the military I believe in a way it is a great choice to go into. I have a brother and he is planning to go into the Air Force so he is the one informing me about the advantages and disadvantages there are. I personally while in High School was actually considering taking part in the Air Force since I plan to pursue a career in the health care in Nursing. I thought that by doing this I would be able to learn more and have several experiences with it. I hope that as you mentioned in your blog everything comes out the way you plan and it is a great decision to wanting on keeping the tradition of sticking with the military.

My Second Trip to Washington DC: Danielle Holloway’s Blog

Wow!! Danielle you sure did spend your Halloween weekend different from all of us. So jealous, I am just playing but really I am so glad you did something interesting and fun while in the other hand I spent mine at home well at least I was with my wonderful family but still I love traveling so anyone mentions road trip, you see Nancy looking forward to it :). I have never gone to Washington D.C. My brothers have so from what you expressed and what they have told me I plan to go any time soon. I would be just like you when you went to the Holocaust Museum. All that sounds unbelievable, one thinks about it and think how could that happened but things happen that will most of the time be unexplainable. I’m glad you were able to have another experience in D.C, maybe one day we can plan one together. Great Blog!

Thoughts about LLC: Present and Future

      The Leadership Living Learning Community Program is a program designed to involve and increase personal and future career strengths. I have learned a lot from the LLC. It has helped me with connecting to the university here at UNC Pembroke. I have increased my awareness of my personal strengths. It has also helped me with having clarity on my educational and personal goals. Being part of the LLC has helped me with having my educational and personal goals going on because my educational goals are to become a part of the health care industry as a Registered Nurse. The program has been part of my educational and personal goals in the way of being involved and having the opportunity to get close and help others. Helping others and being able to have involvement will make me have more experience with my career.  But back to how LLC has helped me in the first two months has made me learn skills that will help me engage the campus community by being out there on campus when a distinguished speaker comes and even little things that might not seem important but the most important and valuable things are the smallest ones. One great outcome for my personal growth is it has enhanced my sense of self-esteem. Also, has clarified some up and downs I had with not knowing some benefits of why continuing my education and graduate from UNCP. This is the first year this program has been introduced to UNCP mainly striving for new first year students. Being one of the new first year students chosen to be part of this program has been real helpful towards my education and personal growth. So I personally believe that this program should continue for next year. For current students and incoming students. It will be a huge help for just like it has been for me and the rest of my LLC peers. The program having the combination of two will be a great way to show what is expected and what one can get out of the LLC.